13 July, 2020

The Second Check

Why Is It Needed?

Second check is needed, obviously, when first check is not enough.

How Many Checks Are There?

There are only two checks.

What Is The Second Check?

Second check is check on method, its the how of an action.

What Is The First Check?

First check is check on intention, its the why of an action.

Do All Actors Have Two Checks?

Only humans and jins have two checks. These are the only two who are under test. The other actors (animals, angels etc) have no check at all.

Why Do Other Actors (animals, angels etc) Dont Have Any Check?

Its because they are part of the environment - the testing environment. They are not under test themselves (they are also not examiner, God himself is the examiner).


Their intention is directly put in them, it dont depend on what they done previously in life.

Unlike humans and jins, no matter what their personality is so far, no matter how far they have gone on a specific path in their lives so far, they can easily switch path for any action at hand. This appears bizarre to humans and jins; why did that cat who was very loving to her newly borned kids just killed them, why did that tigress spared life of a certain human child when she had freely took many such lives before and after, and so on.

The second check, the check on method, cannot be performed on them (the other actors); because they know only one method, the method their instinct tell them.

They are not intelligent enough to develop or even understand any method they are not borned hardcoded with in their minds.

The Two Checks

In humans and jins, intention is the first thing thats under test. Our whys are not put in ourselves directly, they come through our personality, our personality is developed by our own actions that we have performed so far in life. We are responsible for our intentions, we make our intentions. If we travel on bad path for long period of time it will be very hard for us to switch to good path, and vice versa. We have to develop our thinking, bit by bit. 

We are intelligent enough to both develop and understand methods.

Why Is The Second Check Crucial?

To have the right intention is the easy part, in humans. We cannot face ourselves when we have bad intention (we make excuses but that work for very short period of time).

The hard part is about method. Thats where we fail.

The hard part has immediate benefit too, relatively speaking. This is in addition of the real reward thats in after life.

The immediate benefit is victory, in this world. If you do a thing the right way, the way sanctioned by  God, and if your intention is also right, then you are guaranteed to win in this world.

This however is not the whole story. The last part, the point of this article, and the take home message of this article, is stated in the paragraphs below.

[Take Home Message of This Article]

If you dont do your actions, any and all of them, the right way, the halal way, then even if your intention is right you are not going to win, you will fail.

If an alim come on a tv program thats recorded (not broadcasted live) then no matter how much ilm that alim has and how much good the intentions of people are, behaviour of nobody will change. The audience will listen, and then do nothing. Same goes for youtube etc videos.

This is for worldly matters too. If you make or watch a youtube video for example on science and show face of any human or animal in it (that is do haram thing in a video) then may be some knowledge is passed but nobody will be able to use that information for anything good to anybody. No new machine will be built, no process will be improved, nothing good will come out of it.

There is no cure in alcohol. There is no learning in haram picture (haram picture is picture of face, be it face of human or animal; all other pictures are halal). A video is a collection of pictures.

If you want to eradicate bad things from people, such as lies, frauds etc, then you have to personally visit those people and tell them in polite way and if possible for you in isolation that what they are doing is wrong and that they should stop doing it. Only this way there is going to be any change in people's behaviours. No other way will work.

There is no success in haram, even if intention is good.

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