08 June, 2020

When To Concentrate and When To Spread

Concentrate or Spread:

    the forces
        _ Attention
        _ Men
        _ Equipment
        _ Materials.

Forces, not force. A combination is always needed, to do anything.

Concentrate when you decide to finish off. Spread when you decide to contain.

This is for all 3 levels of action (strategy, operations, tactics).

At Strategic Level

Decide to go to war, or to not go to war. Dont attempt to do both.

As an entity you are at war or you are not at war.

You allocate your resources differently when you are at war as compared to when you are not. When you are at war, allocate considerably more resources for war effort than for any other purpose. The other purposes are maintenance, reserves, growth and luxury.

This, putting considerably more in one thing than other things, is what concentration is. Note the word "considerable". Obviously when you put your resources in multiple things some of them get more than others and one of them may get highest. Its not concentration though. Concentration is when one thing get considerably more than other things, like double or more, than its usual share. Usual share, as in non war time; its when you are just guarding your assets, not defending your assets against enemy attacks, and not doing your own attacks on enemy assets.