04 August, 2012

Monetizing Living Cost In A Long Term Currency Unit


Long term here means centuries, millenias, eon.

The idea is to find out some unit of currency which is valid both in long term and across most regions of world. Then figure out how much in that currency is needed to live.


The amount in that currency needed for living costs must be constant.

What Is Included (And What Is Not)

Living cost includes this:

  • Food
  • Clothing (clothes to wear + bedsheets + curtains etc)
  • Commercial Services (barber + traders' profit + transportation + entertainment etc)
  • Industrial goods (housing + utensils + furniture etc)
Living costs do not include:
  • Savings
  • Medical (supposed to be provided by govt for free)
  • Education (supposed to be provided by govt for free)
  • Utility bills  
  • Wastes (luxuries + losses etc)
The calculation is for a livable as well as pleasurable living but do not include luxuries, savings, welfare services (education, medical, security) etc.

The Currency

The currency is goat's meat. Unit is 200 grams of that. This works well as a universal unit, free of inflation, appropriate for most of the last eon of history and is good enough across most regions.

Lets name this unit "star". One star = 200 grams of goat's meat.

How Much Is Needed

It turns out that money needed for food when cooked at home is 1.5 stars per day per average person. Average person here includes children and old people, therefore a working-age woman is 1.2 average person and a working-age man is 1.5 average person, due to higher than average food and other needs. Working age is 20 to 50, after 50 its age of taking work from others then retirement.

For clothing the need is of 0.5 stars.

For commercial services and industrial goods, the need is 0.5 stars.

For entertainment the need is 0.5 stars.

Altogether, the minimum long-term livable living expense is 3 stars per person per day.


Now the adjustments part. If we include medical and educational expenses, then 1 more star have to be included, making it 4 stars. If we include utility bills then another 1 star have to be added.

Therefore money equal to 0.5 to 1.0 kg of goat's meat is what is needed per person per day. Below 0.5 one has to borrow, above 1.0 either there is waste or saving or both.

In Terms Of Hours Of Labor

In terms of hours of labor needed to produce these stuff, when all work is done manually i.e. without electricity and fossil fuels, it takes 72 hours to produce and gather enough food, herbs, honey, fiber for clothes. 24 hours to process fiber and leather to make clothes and shoes. 12 hours to  produce minimum industrial goods. 12 hours to produce minimum commercial goods. 12 hours to produce more commercial services (this includes entertainment). 12 hours to produce more industrial goods (means better quality, more quantity, more items). 24 hours for education services, 24 hours for medical services. The calculation is per year and for an average person's need during that year. The calculation is for both production and expenditure.

At Minimum

In short:

Food: 72 hours = 1.5 stars
Clothing + Shoes: 24 hours = 0.5 stars
Minimum commercial services (no entertainment): 12 hours = 0.25 stars
Minimum industrial services: 12 hours = 0.25 stars

This add up to 2.5 stars or half kg goat's meat. This is the lowest sustainable level of living in long term.


On top of this, further things can be added:

More commercial services (e.g. entertainment): 12 hours = 0.25 stars
More industrial services (better housing, better other industrial stuff): 12 hours = 0.25 stars

This becomes 3 stars by now. This is a reasonable level of living because it is livable as well as pleasurable. This is the level of labor class. It do not include utility bills. It do not include services that are supposed to be provided by govt.

First Extension

On top of these, further things can be added:

Utility bills = 1.0 stars

Now it becomes 4 stars.

Second Extension

On top of these, further things which are education and medical can be added. If govt is weak then one has to pay for these too. The added cost is 1 star.


One point to note is, actual living costs never exceed 5 stars i.e. 240 hours. What comes after it is waste or saving. Driving in a personal car is actually a waste because proper public transportation should exist and be used. Living in a larger than needed house therefore increasing utility bills is still a waste. Going to far off places on vacations each year is also a waste.

Bonus: On The Production Side

The above is on the expenditures side. Now a little on the production side. A person working 7 hours per day, taking one day off a week, having 15 gazetted holidays a year, having 24 casual leaves a year, can work 1920 hours a year. This is equal to 40 stars.

We can get 1 worker of age 20 to 50 years and male gender out of every 4 people in population. Therefore, at most, 40% of production have to go to the labor. Rest goes to profit of business men, taxes, depreciation costs and expansions. We can make people work till age 60 but this is compensated by unemployment (due to lazyness + lacks of skills + disability etc).

Bonus: Where The Money Should Go

10% of production of a business should go in charity. Another 10% in compensating depreciation. Another 10% to 20% in operating expenses. Operating expenses includes seed and manure for farm, medicines for livestock, utility bills for offices, business-travel expenses etc. Its the rest 60% that is actually available.

Each of the worker produce on average 40 stars, out of which 60% is available which means 24 stars. We have to keep life standard of labor class to 3 stars. Since there is one worker in a population of every 4 people, we need to pay 12 stars to the worker. This is 30% of total income and 50% of available income.

The rest 12 stars is to be divided among business-owners and govt.

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