12 August, 2012

Never, Ever Give Up

Never, ever give up.

There is no guarantee of success, but giving-up is guarantee of failure.

There is only as much for humans as they effort for. (Quran).

You may have so many failures, slowed down so much or caught in a loop that the destination seems unattainable. Still, you cannot justify giving-up. Stop worrying too much about mistakes, just avoid repeating them. Sooner or later, a time has to come where you exhaust the mistake-space, now since you cannot make any more mistakes, and you are not repeating old ones, success is guaranteed.

You may have already suffered from so many lives, time or material losses that the endeavor is indeed no longer profitable. You must still complete the task, even at further loss. Its because a half-completed task is more dangerous than failure. During your efforts you had to spill yourself along the path and create a mess of environment. Now if you give-up in between, ghosts of failure would keep haunting you while you try to re-gather or clean-up. These ghosts are in form of gorilla attacks from your enemies, your lack of confidence in yourself is one of those. These ghosts go away when task is completed, no matter you win or loose. Then only you can re-gather and clean-up in peace. Its because even at failure, as long as task is completed, you have confidence that you did complete the task, at a higher-than-desire cost-benefit-ratio but still less than an infinite cost-benefit-ratio.

The very fact that you tried till the end, create a reputation about you. Next time your enemies would think twice. Also you are more likely to get help from yet unknown friends.

Even at failure, you do learn important lessons. Once you know the way, you can always come back and do the thing over and over again till reach proximity-to-perfection.

You never know how close your enemy is to breakup, may be if you drag for a little long it is the first one to give-up.

Failures are must. We learn from failures, we do not learn from success. Any trouble that do not kill you, makes you stronger.

Do not care about people who make fun of you. Losers make fun of others. There are a lot of jealous people around you who want to pull your leg. They are afraid of not only your success but also of your steadfastness. They are afraid of these because they do not have these.

You not have to win the race. Winning is never the point in race, its the effort, the harding-up, the lessons.

Once you get over the fear of failure, you will try to indulge yourself in more activities. Soon you get so much practice of failures that you smell them at distance and change tactic before suffering. You also get power of avoiding too much pride of your successes because you know that that one success come after how many failures.

The left-overs of your failed projects: the tools you acquired, the skills you learned, the flexibility in yourself that you achieved, the money you saved, the alliances you made etc are going to pile-up. In your later projects, you can use these assets directly so you not have to start from zero.

When you do succeed, be quick to invest some of the bounty for further projects.

Like a star exists only as long as it keep its internal engine burning, and collapse after that, your struggles if not expand you atleast stop or slow down your contraction. It keeps your enemies at bay.

You have to continue running to a certain level, just to stay at place.

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